Back to School Allowance: What are the amounts paid in 2024?

Good news for parents of students benefiting from Back to School Allowance (ARS). Means-tested assistance to families with at least one child aged 6-18 will be reassessed in 2024. As every year, it will be paid out to about three million families who benefit from it at the end of August. . The Family Allowance Fund (CAF) has just announced the amounts.

Back-to-school allowance amounts in 2024

The amount of ARS indexed to consumer prices is €416.40 for a child aged 6-10 in 2024 (compared to €398.09 in 2023), €439.38 for an older child aged 11-14 (€0240.2 compared to). ) and €454.60 for a child aged 15-18 (compared to €434.60 in 2023), the Family Benefit Fund (CAF) shows his website.

In Mayotte, the amount of ARS is €418.49 for a child in primary school, €441.58 for a child in secondary school and €456.88 for a child in secondary school.

Rules to benefit from it

In 2024 resource ceiling To benefit from ARS, 20,878 euros per family is set, to which 6,263 euros per child should be added. The ceiling for a family with only one child is 27,141 euros. Then 33,404 euros for a family with two children, 39,667 euros for a family with three children, etc.

In addition to the resource requirements, you must have at least one child between September 16, 2006 and December 31, 2018. Then the rules change depending on the age of the child.

For children under the age of 6, but entering CP in 2024, it is necessary to collect a school certificate from the school and send it to CAF or deposit it in the “My Account” section or “CAF – My Account” mobile phone. program.

If the file is being updated for children born between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018, inclusive, there is nothing to do. However, those who are not yet beneficiaries must complete form online.

For children aged 16 to 18 between 16 September 2006 and 31 December 2008 inclusive, it is necessary to confirm that they are still in school, students or an apprenticeship for the start of the 2024 academic year during the summer months (allowing you) you can benefit from ARS before the start of the academic year,” advises CAF.

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